Player Movement - Policy Update, News (Manvers Minor Hockey)

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Sep 24, 2018 | Jason Cliff | 2341 views
Player Movement - Policy Update
Please see the changes to MMHA policy

All players will have the opportunity to try out for the OMHA team at their applicable age level. Players must be picked purely on ability.

Players will register and play at their applicable age level. In certain circumstances, a player may play up one level, if they meet the following conditions:

A.      With regard to an OMHA team, the player makes that team based on his or her ability;

B.      With regard to the Three County team, it will require the approval of the Association Executive.

C. Novice and below programming.  The MMHA will allow I.P. and Tyke aged players that meet specific MMHA criteria, to complete a skill assessment at the beginning of the season.  To be eligible for the skill assessment, they must be considered a top 6 player on their respective team (identification of players will be done by current/past coaches). They will also be required to successfully complete the skills evaluation set out by the MMHA (adapted from Hockey Canada skill assessments) in order to be moved up to the next level.   Any player movement at this level will be decided by the MMHA Executive, keeping in mind what is best for the player and Association (i.e., skill level, number of players, etc.).  

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