Punch Douglas Concert!, News (Manvers Minor Hockey)

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Sep 03, 2022 | Trevor Kuypers | 1181 views
Punch Douglas Concert!
PUNCH DOUGLAS LIVE at Manvers Arena! 
You don’t want to miss out on a great night out to support your local Hockey League and meet other Hockey Families. 

Tickets will be sold in advance and at the door.  Doors Open at 8:00pm. 

This is an age of Majority event. 

Tickets are $20 Per Person and you can reach out to the MMHA Members directly to purchase your tickets – see contact info below. 

Jason Hamilton – manvers[email protected]

Andrew Hamilton – [email protected]

Nick Carchidi  - [email protected]

Carla Vivian - [email protected]

Christopher Jones - [email protected]

Neal Collins  [email protected]

Brian Harris - [email protected]

Trevor Kuypers - [email protected]

Will Johnson - [email protected]

Christie Taiariol – [email protected]



On behalf of the MMHA, we thank you for your support!

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